Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Newest Juno Shots

I never get bored of photographing Juno!

As usual, I put a box out, and the next minute she's in it! And, last night as I talked on the phone, she came and curled up on my desk, eventually falling asleep after I'd turned my computer off. Generally, I don't allow her on the desk as there are too many things she could turn into toys, but it was kinda cute last night so I let her stay.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...


Ien in the Kootenays said...

She is lovely. Somehow all the Sylvester type cats I have known have been guys. My own old cat-man is one of those. At 19 he probably won't be with us that much longer.

square kitchen said...

I love the pics. It reminds me on my own two cats. I know those positions exactly. greetings from a first time visitor.

Muneeba said...

I love her ... I don't know how 'coz I've never met her .. but I can tell that I would instantly adore her if I did!

TS Hendrik said...

Wonderful pictures! I love cats for the way they do their best to take over every space.

Sairs said...

she is so cute. I so miss not having a cat but we can't have cats where we live. I think Juno is gorgeous :-)